Canceling a credit card purchase: how to do it?

Want to know how to cancel a credit card purchase? Check out the complete step-by-step guide here!

Have you ever heard of chargeback? If not yet, know that it is the famous process of cancellation of credit or debit card purchase. Are you interested in knowing how to make a ccredit card purchase cancellation? So, check out all the details below! 

Learn how to cancel a credit card purchase (Image: Disclosure/Best Destinations)

Can anyone cancel a credit card purchase?

Yes, anyone can cancel a credit card purchase, but there are some conditions. Cancellation must be requested directly to the establishment where the purchase was made, preferably as soon as possible. 

Furthermore, the consumer can exercise the right to repent within 7 calendar days, as provided for in the Consumer Protection Code, for purchases made outside the commercial establishment, such as via the internet or telephone. 

It is also important to contact the card administrator to inform them of the cancellation and monitor the refund of the amount on the invoice.

How to cancel a credit card purchase?

To cancel a credit card purchase, contact the supplier/store/company to request cancellation and formalize the request in writing. 

Then, inform the card issuer of the cancellation and follow up on the invoice to ensure the refund is processed. 

When canceling a purchase in installments on your credit card, you must receive a refund corresponding to the installments that have already been paid. This means that the amount of the installments paid will be refunded, and the remaining balance of the purchase will be adjusted depending on the cancellation. 

Cancellation of credit card purchases online

In principle, to cancel a purchase made online, you must initially try to resolve the situation directly with the store where the purchase was made. 

First, contact the store's customer service in a friendly manner and formalize your cancellation request.

Learn how to cancel a credit card purchase (Image: Disclosure/Notícias Concursos)

If the store does not resolve the problem or if you cannot cancel it there, then you should contact your credit card company. Report the situation to the card administrator, provide the transaction details and request a refund of the installments paid. 

Your card issuer can help ensure that the amount is adjusted correctly on your future bills.

By following this process, you maximize the chances of an efficient cancellation and avoid additional complications.

When is it possible to cancel a credit card purchase?

In principle, canceling a credit card purchase is possible in several specific situations. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to all the necessary details and requirements. 

This is because the Consumer Protection Code offers several protections to the buyer at these key moments. Check out details about each of them below:

  • Undue charging: if there is an undue charge on the card, such as duplicate or incorrect amounts, the consumer can request cancellation of the purchase and refund of the amount directly with the card administrator;
  • Defective product: if it is defective, the consumer has the right to request an exchange, repair or cancellation of the purchase with a refund of the amount paid. If the problem is not resolved within 30 days, the consumer can choose to cancel and refund;
  • Product not received or out of date: in these cases, the buyer has the right to demand forced delivery, accept another equivalent product or cancel the purchase with a refund of the amount paid, including shipping;
  • Billing for a canceled subscription service: if a subscription service has been canceled but the charges continue, the consumer has the right to demand a refund of the amounts unduly charged.

By following all the guidelines, you will be able to cancel any purchase you no longer want. 

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel