Application to Identify Insects: See how to download and have no more doubts

With the wide variety of insects, it is necessary to know which ones are harmful, find out which ones they are with an application to identify insects

To find out which insect is in front of you, you can use application to identify insects such as Picture Insect and InNat Guide. However, there are other apps too, find out which ones.

Insects are present practically everywhere and can appear in your home, however if you don't know any species, be careful. 

This is because some species may present dangers to your health or that of your family members. This way you can use application to identify insects in order to know whether you are at risk or not.

Check out the best apps!

Application to identify insects: Which one to use?

Picture Insect

Picture Insect is a application to identify insects by photo, this way it is possible to say that the company launched this app for the residential public. 

When we talk about how it works, with a smartphone you can already use this tool as it recognizes the species of insects through photos. 

In addition to this main identification part, the app has other features, among which we can highlight a type of social network. 

In this network it is possible to interact with other people who also use Picture Insect and have access to their respective discoveries. This way you can even create a collection of species.

This application also makes the premium service available to its users. There you have entomologists available to answer your questions and explain even more about each type.

Download Picture Insect → Android It is iOS.


Seek presents itself as a application to identify insects more complete for those who like to learn everything about nature.

This happens because in addition to knowing insects, you can also identify plants, this way your knowledge increases more and more.

According to data from the application itself, it has a database of more than 150,000 species and some of those that were discovered were users.

In addition to these features, what sets Seek apart is that it works like a game, as each time you find a new species you can accumulate points. These points serve to accumulate fame within the Seek community.

This was a way that the app found to encourage research into new species.

Download Seek by clicking the link → Android It is iOS.

InNat Guide 

The news this time here in Brazil. This is because the InNat Guide is an application that the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) developed for farmers.

InNat's main objective is to help rural producers with pest control, in other words, InNat separates the good guys from the bad guys in farming.

This function is very important as combating pests is essential in farmers' daily lives and with this app they can understand who these insects are.

According to the app's creators, InNat has 13 families of insects, not to mention parasites and spiders. Therefore, to use the app you just need to take a photo of the animals that are common in the plantations.

After comparing with the photos provided in the Guide, it is possible to discover whether this crop is in ecological balance or not. Once the pest is identified, the user has access to a series of treatment tips.

Enter the store and download → Android.


Agrobase is one of the apps that farmers use most because this app presents a very complete database on different species in nature.

Among these species we can find weeds, plant diseases, possible pests and even pesticides available in Brazil. 

In short, with all this source of material you can identify a wide variety of insects and pests, in addition to knowing what measures to take to solve the problem.

This way, with knowledge of the methods and products necessary to eradicate pests, diseases and insects from the location, the user will not waste financial resources.

This is because each pest and insect has a specific insecticide for its treatment and once you know which product is right, your actions will be practical and efficient.

Click on the link to download → Android It is iOS.


Finally, we see that there are a variety of options when it comes to application to identify insects, however, you need to choose which option is most viable.

There are still other simpler options such as BugFinder and Smart Identifier, however these options are much less complete than the others we discussed.

It is up to you to choose which application to identify insects use!

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