WhatsApp cloned? Find out how to solve the problem

Do you have WhatsApp cloned or do you want to prevent this from happening to you? Find out how to protect your account from possible scams!

Have you ever seen a post from someone talking about Whatsapp cloned? Unfortunately, this scam has happened repeatedly to many people and many of them end up falling for it. Find out How to solve the cloned Whatsapp problem.

WhatsApp cloned? Find out how to solve the problem (Image: Reproduction/Web)

Some people use this scam to steal money through the app. Whatsapp. These people can clone the Whatsapp from an application user and activate it on another cell phone, pretending to be the person themselves to deceive their contacts.

We will now teach you how to recover your account Whatsapp and some tips on how to prevent this scam from happening to you. Let's go?

How does Whatsapp cloning work?

Firstly, it is important to understand how cloning works. Whatsapp. The approaches are very subtle, using conversations with contacts, asking to pass on the activation code of the Whatsapp.

After passing this code, the other person who receives it will have access to the account. Whatsapp of the other person using their own cell phone, contacting friends of the cloned person to ask for money and personal information.

Regardless of whether you have Whatsapp cloned or stolen, the objective is the same, to deceive and steal from other people by pretending to be the user. It is very important to always be aware of contacts and messages that ask for information or codes. 

“Okay, I understand how it works, but what should I do if my Whatsapp is cloned?” We will explain it to you now.

What to do if my WhatsApp is cloned? 

The first thing you should do is tell friends and colleagues that your Whatsapp it is being used by someone else so that they do not pass on money or anything similar through other social networks, also asking them to report the contact that is being cloned.

How do I protect my account? 

Nowadays it has become even more common to find people who have already had their WhatsApp cloned and even suffered major problems with it.

If you have not yet experienced this or have already been a victim of this scam, it is extremely important that you protect your account to prevent this from happening again. 

Therefore, if you send this activation code requested by scammers, they will not be able to access your account, as they will not have this 6-digit password.

To activate, follow the instructions below and ensure more security for your account:

  • You must go on "Settings";
  • After that, click "Account";
  • Then select the option “Two-step confirmation;
  • Follow the instructions given by the application to create the PIN.

If you suspect something strange, go in immediately and contact your friends. If store or company profiles contact you through the app, confirm that it really is verified, as well as other strange contacts that appear to you. 

Don't waste time, put the information provided here into practice and share it with your friends too.

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