Tumblr – the newest app of the moment

Tumblr, after a few years, consolidated itself on the web and brought changes that influence other applications

If you are not Tumblr, is becoming out of fashion. Discover the application that offers you a mix of Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram all at once. Know more!

O Tumblr is a social network that combines several very interesting aspects of other “sister” networks. This network was for many years the most famous on the web in the photo industry, until it had to share its audience with Instagram.

The idea is that its users can use the network as a microblog that is not limited to 240 characters. Here you can publish quotes, links, music, gifs, audios and texts. In addition to being able to customize the page with your own style. Follow us on this post!

How does the app work?

O Tumblr was born in 2007 and, today, is available in Portuguese and 15 other languages; it has more than 496 million user blogs hosted there. The application is available in desktop mode and for mobile devices with iOS It is Android.

Generally, Instagram users use very short posts, which even look a lot like those on Instagram. 

This is because the main objective of this app is to make you put your creativity into practice. Therefore, we see a great diversity of content on this social network.

Like many other apps, Tumblr doesn't have many secrets for those who use it. Most of the configuration and administration functions are on a dashboard, this allows your users to create new posts and change features quickly.

It does not stop there. In this app, users can enjoy a beautiful timeline where they can see the posts and photos of the people they follow. 

Additionally, you will also be able to like, comment and share other relevant content. This way, your users are always aware of news about other Tumblrs.

Tumblr fame 

You may have already heard that: “such a thing is tumblr” or that “so and so is tumblr”.

But after all, what does it mean to be a Tumblr? Let's understand now!

This social network became well known because of the visual standard of the photos that its users post, generally with very attractive filters. 

So this network has a lot of images and they tend to be very successful on the platform. However, it is common for the most attractive ones to be those with stylish people.

The interesting thing is that the footprint of that style from the 1990s started to spread a lot and ended up becoming the standard for people Tumblr which influences other networks such as Instagram.

And that is how, to this day, the most followed people on social networks who prioritize photos are those considered serious.

Tips for growing on Tumblr

We've already talked briefly about the app's interface, now we're going to give you some cool tips on how to use this network and attract more and more audiences to your profile.

And if you've never heard of it and want to learn how to use it, this topic is for you too. Stay here with us and follow our tips until the end.

1) Tags

Adding tags to your posts is a really cool thing to do in your posts, so your post has a better chance of being seen by users searching for specific topics.

2) Unique content 

If you want to stand out, you need to be different. It is essential to produce original content using your skills and creativity.

Use good humor, Tumblr It's perfect for good-natured and happy-go-lucky people 

3) Always use texts

Maybe it's not always necessary, but I put it this way so you don't forget that they are very important.

It is often this type of content that people are really looking for, but stop searching in search engines because they cannot find the same model on the social network.

4) Create interaction 

When making your posts, don't be introverted, allow people to interact with you because this way your audience will be increasingly engaged.

5) Choose themes

The theme is important as it will give the visual identity you want for your network. People may not memorize the name right away, but a striking visual identity is hard to forget.

6) Don't abandon Tumblr

Don't make that mistake. People tend to forget pages and leave them out of date and over time you will no longer have any audience.

So, be sure to always update the page, and if you need to travel or something like that, you can even take advantage of the function of scheduling posts that the user himself Tumblr offers.

Very cool to know more about Tumblr, no? Share with your friends!

Also discover the Pinterest app, you will like!

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