5G Smartphone: Find out everything about this technology

The 5G Smartphone is undoubtedly the greatest sign of the advancement of technology today, as 5G introduces several new features into it.

O 5g smartphone It has the most advanced connection technology on the market. See how 5g performs and leaves the 4th generation of connection in the dust in terms of range and speed.

5g technology is the fifth generation of mobile connections in our world. It arrives as a milestone in the history of technology and will bring much more than speed. This technology is already being implemented in the United States (USA) and other European countries, while in Brazil it is in the testing phase.

The evolution of connections used by electronic devices has brought about the need for major advances in mobile networks. While 2g allowed the use of voice features, 3g made smartphones famous and 4g raised the level of information flow. What the 5g smartphone will make? 

Check out these changes now, a great read!

What is 5G?

The connection in 5G format is the evolution of mobile network connections that are currently in 4G. The objective of this new tool is exactly to surpass in a big way the capabilities, in all aspects, of the current 4G. In this way, we can expect a very, very high connection standard and, in parallel, a huge volume of simultaneous connections.

In short, this new connection model promises to take its users to a new level of coverage. Greater, more efficient coverage, with larger data transfers and a significant increase in connections at the same time.

So that you understand this in numbers, regions of Brazil use the 4G connection, which offers a connection speed of around 33 Mbps. 

With the new connection, a 5G smartphone for example, it could reach the 10 Gbps mark. This means a speed 50 to 100 times faster than a 4G connection.

How does a 5G Smartphone work?

Well, in reality, Smartphones will continue to work in the same way as always. The question to ask is: how will 5G impact smartphones? How does this 5G work?

This new connection network is indistinguishable from the previous one, the way it works is the same, using radio waves. The big difference here is the frequency of these networks, which increase for 5G and range from around 3.5 GHz to 26 GHz. 

Even though its frequency is higher, the length of the waves will be shorter than the current one. Even so, this does not present a major problem, as networks can be spread to more points.

News and advantages of the 5G Smartphone 

We have already seen that with more range and speed, 5G connections will bring several advantages and new features to both smartphones and other devices.

Some of them are:

  • download high resolution videos in just a few seconds
  • More efficient industrial machines;
  • Commands with immediate responses
  • Possible implementation of smart cities
  • Greater connection between people and between devices themselves
  • Less battery consumption due to the ability to do more activities in less time

4G vs 5G

We must understand that the main differences between 5G and 4G are in three topics:

  1. Greater bandwidth 
  2. Connections with much higher speeds 
  3. Lower latency or delay between device and human communications

As we mentioned above, 5G speeds surpass 4G by up to 100 times. “Imagine downloading a movie in 4 seconds or loading a page in 25 milliseconds, that’s 5G” says Filadoro. He says this at a time when he highlights 5G's ability to bring together more connections with higher speeds in less time.

When we talk about higher bandwidth, 5G has a structure that supports around 1 million connections simultaneously. Ten times more than 4G.

5G smartphone 

Smartphones were definitely the first devices to receive compatibility with 5G technology. This is because there is research that already predicts that in 5 years we will have more smartphones than people in the world. 

Today we already have 5G smartphones offered by most brands such as Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, Huawei, among others. Some of these models are already available in Brazil.

However, this does not exclude compatibility with other devices such as smart watches and bracelets that are also connected in the future. That's because 5G will also be a big step for the Internet of Things (IoT).

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