Round 6 is accused of plagiarizing Netflix series: find out details

After the huge success of the Netflix series Round 6, the series received some accusations regarding plagiarism of the story developed. Check out!

After the South Korean series Round 6 Having been so successful around the world with its release on the film and series platform Netflix, a controversy began regarding the alleged allegation that it was plagiarized from another series released on the same platform.

Although fans don't mind such a discussion, the series may suffer from some consequences related to funding and the possible continuation of a second season, which the entire audience is very much looking forward to.

Therefore, it is important that if you are a fan of the work you understand everything that happened and how its creator positioned himself in the face of the accusations that arrived after the success of the series.

Check out everything about this in our post. Good reading!

The success of the Round 6 series

On September 17, 2021, the Netflix series Round 6 appeared and it didn't take long for it to become popular. In just a few weeks, the series gained popularity across all four corners of the world.

Thus, the South Korean production gained more and more repercussion and a huge number of fans around the world after going viral. 

Watch Round 6 on Netflix

The series tells the story of a protagonist who is sunk in debt and is unable to pay the bills he ended up making over time. 

However, he receives an invitation to participate in a macabre game that pays a large amount of money to the winner. But what he doesn't know is that the people who are eliminated during the game would end up dying.

This is a summary of the subject covered in the series, raising the question of how far people will go to get money and what types of actions they are subject to enduring.

Why was the series accused of plagiarism?

The TV show Squid's Victory (Round 6 is Squid Game in English) was a TV series that had the same symbols used in the series that was successful on Netflix: the square, the triangle and the ball.

Round 6 Symbols

These same symbols were present on the cover of the series and compared to those of the current Netflix series, they were identical. Furthermore, the series TV Squid's Victory also addressed issues related to children's games.

Therefore, some accusations of plagiarism began to emerge from the South Korean series, which began to explain itself on the subject.

What did those responsible for the Round 6 series say?

Series creator Hwang Dong-hyuk took a stand and spoke about what happened in an interview with Variety:

“I freely admit that I have been very inspired by Japanese comics and animation over the years (…) When I started, I was also in financial trouble and spent a lot of time in cafes reading comics, including 'Battle Royale' and 'Liar Game'. I started to wonder how I would feel if I participated in the games alone. But I found the games too complex, and for my own work I focused on using children's games.” 

Furthermore, the creator claimed that he was very inspired by the current scenario of modern capitalist society, which shows the competitiveness that currently exists and the value that people have started to place on money over time.

However, with the explosion and fame that the series has gained, this discussion will continue for a long time until someone proves what the true fact is.

See what can happen with Round 6

Depending on the direction this whole story takes, the Netflix series may have some behind-the-scenes consequences. In addition to the financial part, the second season may suffer from the consequences.

In this sense, with the end of the first season of the series, the possibility of a second season being written and released is totally real. 

However, if the series suffers a decline in popularity or behind-the-scenes issues, problems may arise and fans may not get a second season. But rest assured, the series Round 6 remains firm and strong and still has a great chance of receiving a new season in Netflix!

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