Preview of Windows 11 update is released by Microsoft

Microsoft released the preview of Windows 11 for future users and experts to evaluate the new changes in the company's new system.

Microsoft before carrying out the official launch of Windows 11, released a preview of the almost fully developed operating system so that people could carry out the first tests regarding the system's performance.

Therefore, some features that have been finalized are now available in the operating system so that users can test them and evaluate their experience.

In addition Microsoft released a free program for developers who can carry out tests and evaluate the new system in a more professional way and share with the public how the project is going.

Anyway, let's see better how the Windows 11 is getting worse and whether it is really worth upgrading from Windows 10 to 11 and having access to the new features of the Microsoft system.

What's new in Windows 11

The main and biggest updates and features have already been made available in this preview offered by Microsoft. This means that consumers can now expect only minor updates and corrections for possible errors.

Anyway, let's talk a little about the new features of the system that was developed in 2021. First, Microsoft promises to bring users new performance with this operating system.

Giving a more pronounced delivery and improving performance in everyday life or in games of all types. In this sense, apparently the number of Windows 11 processes was reduced to deliver more with less machine consumption.

Another difference that we can notice at first glance is the system design. Previously in Windows 10, the main menu was located in the bottom left corner for all users. However, now the menu is situated towards the center of the screen.

In addition, new features are available to give users more convenience, whether they are professionals or just casual Windows users. Remembering that this new system promises to be compatible with Android 11 apps.

Operating System Preview

Once launched, users downloaded and installed the new system and began using the new features as if a pre-sale had taken place. In this sense, the company Microsoft was able to identify errors in the system and correct them.

There were some bugs that the company had to work on to fix so that the user experience became somewhat bad during testing. See the bugs:

  • Opening links from the widget tray should bring the newly opened app to the foreground as expected;
  • The Explorer.exe process should no longer suffer from crashes within Windows Sandbox;
  • Native search tool results should no longer appear blank as often.

Microsoft is already preparing update packs to correct these errors as soon as possible and deliver the best work for users. Promising to launch a completely evolved and advanced service compared to the previous operating system.

Remembering that this is not definitive, as over time the system is used, new errors may appear. So it is quite likely that new updates will come to gradually correct and improve the system.

Is Windows 11 better than Windows 10?

Many users ask the same question, as they are afraid of ending up changing the operating system on their machine and having problems occur as a result of the change.

But don't worry, we're going to give you our analysis. Windows 11 really brings some improvements that in the future may be slightly better than the old system. Furthermore, it brings a more modern design to the franchise.

However, we are unable to see such a big change in relation to the two systems. In this sense, both Windows 11 and 10 can meet all your needs with their features.

So we believe that because Windows 11 is at an earlier stage, you should continue with Windows 10 normally until you need a more advanced system to work, for example.

So expect all updates and fixes to be available and for people to prove it through reviews and everything else that Windows 11 It's really worth downloading and installing.

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