Pinterest, much more than ideas and style for you

Pinterest is a purely visual social network where you can get inspiration or attract customers, it's up to you

O Pinterest It is a platform with several functions that will add to your image, the main one is the dissemination of posts to a large number of people. Know more!

The main idea of Pinterest is to use a large panel of posts in the form of images to inspire and give ideas to its users. In this way, we can see that this is a social network aimed at sharing images.

Speaking of themes, some of the favorites by 175 million users are: architecture, cinema, fashion, makeup, recipes, crafts, travel, photography, wedding.

So, if you work in any of these areas, see this network as a good opportunity.

How does Pinterest work?

As previously mentioned, the focus here is on visual content.

O Pinterest is organized through several image folders. Each of these folders has specific subjects and when you find something that inspires you, you can pin the photo and save it within the app itself.

This is a great way to organize your inspirations, because instead of having to download everything to your computer, you can simply save it to your account and access it from any device connected to the internet.

I don't know if you've seen them, but do you know those frames made of cork where you can hang photos, papers, reminders, among others? So that's the idea of this social network, you can even consult other panels for inspiration. 

How to use the app?

1) Creating the profile 

Well, this is nothing new, right away you need to create a profile on the social network. This profile can be configured directly with Facebook or create a new one using just your email.

Below we will point out some specific things for business accounts.

If you have an account for a company or personal work, you need to take better care of your image. You must enter a description of your work using your business keywords.

Also insert links to the brand's social networks or personal profile, as through a post you can attract customers, remember that.

2) Select your categories

So that the algorithm Pinterest To get to know you, you need to select some categories in which you are previously interested. Don't worry about following everything or something you don't like, you are completely free to unfollow any cunt at any time.

Another thing, this social network will also show you images and panels from other categories as I learn about the topics you like.

3) Creating boards 

A board is nothing more than a panel. To start a new panel you must go to your profile and look for the “folders” tab. 

When you find this tab, just tap the “+” button and name your new panel, feel free to choose whatever name you want, as you can rename this panel.

4) Creating Pins on Pinterest

To create the pin, it won't be that different from the board, you also need to go to your profile and select the pins tab.

This way, once selected you can create your post.

You can also choose to create a pin directly on your profile or within a board like the one we taught above.

However, don't be disappointed if you don't have good images for your productions.

This is because people and companies generally hire professionals to work with this part of the design.

If you don't want to hire one, you can also take advantage of many tools to develop graphic projects for free.

Tips for Pinterest Pros

Many companies that work in segments that generate visual products tend to be present in Pinterest.

Therefore, if your industry fits this is a good opportunity and if it doesn't fit, create this opportunity yourself.

1) Content production 

Always be active on the platform and producing relevant content for your audience.

2) Board tips

When creating your panels, insert your company's keywords in the title. This way it will be easier to find your company.

3) Long images 

If you use larger and longer images you will draw a lot of attention to the visuals, this is because the platform is panel style.

Remember that this image needs to have attractive content and needs to be minimally beautiful.

Did you enjoy learning more about the Pinterest? For more content, stay on our blog! Also find out how to be successful in Tumblr!


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