New Apple releases: What's new and prices

Find out everything about Apple's new launches and the price list released by the company for all models.

Apple's new cell phone launches are available on the market. Check out the models and prices of the main new products in our post.

For cell phone lovers, it's always exciting to see new releases from Apple and the new products that the brand launches every year for its legion of customers around the world.

So it's always good to talk about these new products and promotions launched by the company, such as iPhone 13 which was released on September 14th in an online event in which the brand announced the products.

We know that although the prices of Apple cell phones are generally very high for the standard market and for the purchasing power, especially of Brazilians.

However, their products are of very high quality and are worth the high price with their excellent performance.

Therefore, let's follow the information that the company released about the new products, so stay tuned and come with us!

Discover Apple's new releases

iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini

The cell phone models that were launched, which are the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini, are the most simplified versions of the model. In this sense, there are some differences related to the more expensive and advanced models.

So the first difference we find right away is the size of the device's screen, which is smaller than the others. Another important detail is that the battery of these models has a shorter lifespan than more advanced devices.

However, the rest of its composition has the same technical specifications as its brothers, which are a little more expensive.

iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

Even with similar and almost identical specifications to the lower models, Apple promises that both the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 Pro Max will perform better than the other versions.

In this sense, the screen size of these versions is larger than the lower ones and promises to bring more performance to these more expensive versions of the smartphone. Another very important point, especially for content producers, is the camera.

According to the company, the camera of these two models will have greater power and quality than the other two versions of the iPhone 13. This is due to the higher price that these models will have.

Therefore, the company added more performance and quality to both versions so that the entire public and fans of the brand could have more high-quality options.

New Apple Release: iPhone 13

One of the main new features of all versions of the iPhone 13, whether the cheapest or the most expensive, is the new iOS 15 processor that was implemented in all these versions we talked about.

It has new features and improves performance in several areas of the smartphone, such as FaceTime features, for example. Which allows the user to perform several simultaneous actions with their friends.

Additionally, productivity tools were added to the system to help you stay focused when performing certain tasks.

Anyway, in relation to the more advanced models, the performance promised by Apple is very high, in any task carried out on the cell phone the company promises maximum power so as not to let you down.

Regarding cameras, the iPhone 13 maintained the same model as the previous generation, however, it brought visible improvements that users will really like. Remembering that these changes are more present in the more advanced versions.

In the iPhone 13 and Mini versions, the changes were less noticeable compared to more expensive versions.

iPhone 13 market price

Now let's see in relation to the prices that will be adopted here in Brazil, so let's go:

ModeliPhone 13 MiniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
1TBR$ –R$ – R$14.499R$15.499

These are all the price ranges and models that the Apple company itself has made available and disclosed regarding the New Apple releases.

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