Discover TikTok and its features, and learn how to make money while having fun

Discover TikTok and learn how to make money using all its features and having a lot of fun. Check out!

TikTok has been sought after by people of all ages as a way to earn money through cell phone applications. It is simple to use and in this post you will learn about several ways to earn a little money with its features.

In the desire to become increasingly known and gain more investor partners, social media apps invest in monetization to attract new users.

This way you can have double the fun, because at the same time as you interact with family, friends and other contacts you can earn money and increase the visibility of your image or brand.

One of these apps that you may already know is Tiktok. It was born with the idea of providing monetization opportunities for its users.

The app is increasingly captivating both content producers and normal people who want to find a new alternative source of income.

Many people already know about TikTok and know how to make money with it. But if you're not one of them yet, check out our post and learn about all the app's features.

Does TikTok teach you how to make money? 

There is not just one way to generate income on TikTok.

The first thing to do is download the application on your cell phone, available for Android It is iOS.

Entering the app's points program, carrying out missions and exchanging rewards for money is the main solution for those who wonder if it is possible to use the app. TikTok to earn extra income.

The other is to use this tool as a marketing strategy to attract the public to you or your company.

One way or another, you will achieve some result, whether very or little relevant.

Here we will focus on specific actions that users can take to earn extra income.

Stay tuned until the end! 

1. Invitation Codes

In this modality, the user will earn a small amount every time a family member, friend or stranger downloads the TikTok app from their referral link.

If the target person downloads the app, they both profit, with R$2.00 going to the person who referred and R$1.10 to the person who downloaded the app.

If the person who downloaded remains on the platform for at least some time, it is possible to earn up to R$9.00 from the user.

2. Sale of accounts 

On any other social network, accounts with high engagement and follower numbers offer a good market for companies and brands.

TikTok is no different, there are many people who simply work on profile growth strategies and then sell them.

Instead of producing content, which is a very slow path, these accounts focus on interaction between other users. 

Do you know the famous “follow me and I’ll follow you back”? So that's the strategy. Yes, it takes some time to work, but the result is worth it in the end.

3. Missions 

When we look at other account growth strategies, missions appear to be quite simple, as they do not require popularity.

Once in the app, the user can access the rewards page and see how to accumulate rubies: 10,000 are equivalent to R$1.00.

The main missions to accumulate rubies on TikTok are:

  • Share pages: 1,500 rubies
  • Watch three minutes of video: 2,000 rubies
  • Post a video or watch other videos for 10 minutes: 3,000 rubies
  • Watch twenty minutes of video: 5,000 rubies

This strategy does not aim to achieve popularity, but rather to achieve daily income retention. This way, the app can grow and attract investment. 

It is important to note that the application has guidelines, so read the entire rewards program.

4. Donations 

The app has a function called “Donations”. In this function, users can donate coins to other profiles who buy these coins to transform into money.

This way, users can make a kind of “Close friends” on TikTok. 

Like this? Follow the example below

If you are a good entrepreneur and have great tips to give to beginners in this market, you can have a TikTok account full of content.

Users, in turn, must donate a defined amount of coins to access their profile and receive content.

All you need to do is convert the cash value to rubies to find out how much this access will be worth.

5. Influencer Marketing and Sales

If you have a store or business, you can invest in producing content for your brand, this way you will generate traffic on the networks.

Of course, you must define an objective strategy with this content, whether it is to generate branding, sales, among others.


Did you see? In addition to having fun with really cool videos, staying up to date with interesting content, discovering worthwhile stores and businesses, TikTok gives you the opportunity to make money with its countless features.

And it's not just TikTok that you can make a profit from. Find out on our website 5 best mobile apps for extra income in 2022. See that the internet is full of opportunities for you.

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