Card swiping app: Your cell phone can become a card machine

Don't know where to find an app to swipe your card on your cell phone? In this content, you can see several options. Check out!

Have you ever thought about power pay for purchases via cell phone using a credit or debit card, without needing a machine? As application for swiping a card on your cell phone it's possible!

So, you don't even have to worry about this little problem anymore. And want to know more? That step by step can help you download the app on your cell phone.

Come see which are one of the best options for you to download and take advantage of this facility on your cell phone.

Is it possible to use your cell phone as a card machine?

Yes, it is possible to transform your cell phone into a kind of card machine to make your daily life easier. 

This is because, through specific applications and technologies, you can carry out commercial transactions, whether receiving credit or debit card payments directly on your mobile device. 

Additionally, it is worth noting that this eliminates the need for a physical card machine, providing convenience for both merchants and consumers.

This way, your cell phone can allow transactions without requiring additional equipment. 

Finally, this practicality has become increasingly common with the advancement of mobile payment solutions.

Application for swiping a card on your cell phone: best options

Currently, there are several application options that allow you to carry out card transactions via cell phone.

Knowing each one of them makes all the difference, especially if you are looking for a way to avoid rejecting this payment option.

Therefore, with the aim of offering greater ease, we have brought a complete and updated list with good options! 

1. PayPal App

Source: Reproduction | Google

PayPal can be a great way to receive payments on your cell phone. With it, you can accept credit and debit cards using your smartphone or tablet. 

Furthermore, integration with your PayPal account makes it easy to receive payments directly into your account, simplifying your finances.

In principle, customers can also pay using PayPal, making everything faster and allowing you to accept payments anywhere. 

Finally, the app stands out for its integration with PayPal, facilitating financial management and business growth.

2. Mercado Pago application

Source: Reproduction | Mercado Pago Connection

Mercado Pago is also an application for swiping cards on your cell phone, facilitating various money transfers via your smartphone. 

This way, it allows you to make payments, send money, and even make online purchases quickly and securely. 

Furthermore, the application offers the option of paying bills and bills, recharging your cell phone and even recharging your public transport card. 

An interesting feature is the QR Code, which allows you to make payments just by scanning the code. 

3. Square App

Source: Reproduction | Square

Square is an app developed by Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, simplifying the acceptance of credit and debit cards.

With your card reader, simply connect the mobile device's audio input, transforming your cell phone into machines.

In addition to processing payments, Square offers extra features such as creating product catalogs, managing inventory, and issuing personalized receipts. 

4. SumUp App

Source: Reproduction | App Store

In principle, SumUp is an app and card reader that transformed how small businesses and entrepreneurs deal with payments. 

This is because the app makes it easy to accept credit and debit cards via cell phone, making everything quick and convenient.

5. iZettle App

Source: Reproduction | iZettle

iZettle is an innovative app and card reader for small businesses. Furthermore, this tool differentiates itself by allowing users to accept credit and debit card payments in a simple way.

Its broad compatibility with mobile devices makes iZettle an affordable option for many businesses. 

Finally, the card reader connects via Bluetooth, eliminating the need for audio input, making it versatile and easy to use.

6. Stripe App

Source: Reproduction | Stripe

Although Stripe is not exactly an app for swiping a card on your cell phone, it offers this facility through online payment processing.

Generally, the app is highly recommended for traders, companies and also developers.

Source: Reproduction | Wings Blog

How to download the application to swipe your card on your cell phone?

Now that you know some options apps to swipe cards on your cell phone, It's interesting to know how to download them, isn't it?!

To the available options are 100% free and you can download it on both Android and iOS. Want to know how? So, check out the step by step that we created for you!

Raquel Juliana
Written by

Raquel Juliana