Moovit App: Get to your destination easily using Public Transport

Follow bus routes in real time through the Moovit app. Visit to check out all the details!

Have you ever thought about knowing what time your bus will run? As Moovit app, you have access to this facility. This way, you can organize your routine when starting your day to day.

With this app, you have real-time access to the moment your bus is about to leave, offering greater convenience to all its users. This is one of the facilities offered by the application.

Are you interested in knowing how this application works? So, continue following the content until the end and check out everything you need to know. Let's go?

What is the Moovit app?

Moovit is an application that provides real-time bus routes, where you can access the exits of this means of transport. In other words, it is an urban navigation app that helps people plan their public transport routes.

This is because this technology offers real-time information about buses, subways, trains and other public transport options in various cities around the world.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that this application appeared in 2012, by the company Moovit. Thus, operating for more than 10 years in the technology market, enabling new facilities for the daily lives of many users.

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Know that the app already has more than 1 billion users, and is available in more than 100 countries. This is because this technology offers quality services, making it accessible to different languages.

In this way, the Moovit app offers great opportunities to all its users, helping to find information about the public transport route. 

Know that in Brazil, this app is widely used, so citizens can obtain information about buses in different regions of the country. 

How does the Moovit app work?

Please be aware that Moovit uses a combination of real-time data, information provided by local public transport authorities, and input from the user community.

This way, users can access this information, where they can easily plan their routes, depending on public transport.

Additionally, you can view the best routes to your destinations, where information includes:

  • Arrival and departure times;
  • Waiting times;
  • Transfer;
  • Availability of seats in some vehicles. 

The app also allows users to set up notification alerts to inform them about delays or route changes in real time.

It is worth noting that this information is made available from secure sources, as there is collaboration between its users, governments, public transport operators and companies.

Additionally, Moovit allows users to customize their travel preferences, such as avoiding routes with many stairs, among other points. This way, users have greater ease during their daily lives.

Source: Google – Moovit

Another important point is that you can share information, as well as comments about public transport conditions in your region.

These comments greatly help in the process of improving bus structures. In this way, it is possible to guarantee the well-being of the population, guaranteeing a quality service for everyone.

Therefore, the application is a great assistance tool, both for the population, transport companies and governments.

Is the app free?

Yes the Moovit app is 100% Free, meaning you don't need to pay any fees to use it.

However, it is worth noting that the use of Moovit may be subject to data charges, depending on the user's data plan. Furthermore, to use it, the app must be connected to the internet.

This way, it is possible to provide all the necessary information about public transport routes. Know that most of Moovit's features are free.

How to download the free app?

Users can download it from their app stores such as App Store, on the iOS system and the Google Play for Android. Want to know how to download? So, click the button below and check out a complete step-by-step guide.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel