How to download and use the Orçamento Fácil app?

Control your expenses just by downloading the Orçamento Fácil app. Check out the complete step-by-step guide on how to download it here!

Did you know that it is possible to control your money through Easy Budget app? With the platform, users can track your monthly expenses, Besides having access to monthly and annual reports.

This way, you can control your finances, checking all expenses that involve your budget. The app can be downloaded for free on Android, iOS and Web systems.

Find out now how to download the app 100% free on your cell phone, in addition to checking out its main benefits.

What are the benefits of downloading the Orçamento Fácil app?

This finance control tool offers a series of benefits to its users, especially when managing their money. 

Therefore, before learning how to download it, it is essential to know what advantages the Easy Budget tool has to offer you. Using this information, you can check whether it is worth installing.

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How do mobile apps help with finances?

And to assist you in this process, we have listed the main benefits offered by this online platform. Check it out below:

  • Organization of your finances;
  • Real-time monitoring of your transactions;
  • Better financial planning;
  • Spending analysis;
  • More savings for your pocket;
  • Access through various platforms;
  • Greater security of your information;
  • Monthly and annual statement;
  • Four graphs and several reports;
  • User control by password;
  • Customize with 27 appearances;
  • Consult the integrated help.

We can say that these are just some of the advantages available to users, with the aim of showing how worth it is to download the platform on your cell phone.

Before downloading the application, it is essential to check whether the numerous advantages mentioned meet all your needs. 

Source: Loan Yes

How to download the Orçamento Fácil app?

One of the first steps you need to pay attention to is checking the compatibility of your electronic device with the application version. 

This way, you avoid any setbacks when installing directly on your device. Remembering that the application can be downloaded on Android, iOS and Web systems in a simple way.

Although the installation is simple, we have brought you a complete step-by-step guide, showing all the steps of the process. Check it out below! 


  • Access the app store Play Store or App Store;
  • After that, in the search bar, type “Easy Budget” and search;
  • Then, look for the Orçamento Fácil app in the results;
  • After that, click on the application icon;
  • Finally, press the “Install” button and wait for the installation.

Web Installation

  • Access the application's official website clicking here;
  • Then click on the “Try Web app” option;
  • So, click on the button to be redirected;
  • Finally, enter your account or register on the website and follow the instructions.

The process is also very simple, you just need to have a computer or other device compatible with the version of the Orçamento Fácil platform.

Attention! The tool is completely free to download. The app's official website and stores do not charge any payment fees. 

How to use the finance app?

When downloading the app, one of the first things you need to do is register on the digital platform, creating a free account.

Although the application offers a version without registration, it is recommended that you register to take advantage of all the tool's features.

Is the financial control application safe?

Yes, the app was developed by great professionals, who have strict security policies to offer better security to their users.

Furthermore, on the Play Store alone, the platform has more than 100 thousand views, being quite popular. However, it is essential to follow basic security rules, such as avoiding sharing the app's password and banking information.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel