How to download and use the Moovit app to see detailed bus routes

Learn how to download the Moovit app for free and follow the bus route. Check it step by step!

O Moovit app allows you to access public transport routes. This way, you can organize the best route for your daily life, thus avoiding delays in your appointments.

Know that the App download is 100% Free, where you can download it directly to your cell phone. However, it is important that your device is compatible with the app version to use it easily.

Are you interested in how to download this application? So, check out a complete and detailed step-by-step guide here, showing each step of the process. Enjoy reading!

What are the advantages of downloading the Moovit app?

This application offers several advantages to its users, providing great facilities for those who use public transport. This is because, with it, you can view bus routes.

Below you can see the main benefits offered by Moovit app, which include the following points:

  • Route planning: users plan their public transport routes more efficiently as they have real-time access to arrival times, waiting times and alternative route options;
  • Information Sharing: users can also share information and comments, informing about public transport conditions;
  • Ease of use: users are practical when using it, due to its intuitive interface, enabling users to quickly find the necessary information;
  • Saving time and money: users can avoid routes with many changes or even delays. This way, you can guarantee more savings for your pocket, as well as time on your daily trips;
  • Real-time information: users have real-time information about public transport conditions, such as itineraries, routes, arrival and departure, as well as other points;
  • Customizing travel preferences: Users can customize their travel preferences according to their needs.

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Step by step to download the Moovit app

The application is available on IOS cell phone systems, as well as Android mobile devices. Know that the process is very simple, and you can do it directly on your cell phone. 

To access bus routes, you need to download the app on your cell phone. Check out a complete step-by-step guide below, showing all the steps of the installation process.

  • First, access your cell phone's app store App Store or Play Store;
  • Then type “Moovit” in the search bar;
  • Then, select the Moovit app from the search results and tap the “Install” or “Download” button;
  • Finally, wait for the app to download and install on your device.

After this process, you can start using the application in the best way possible, to organize your daily trips.

However, to start using it, you need to access the Moovit app and follow the instructions to set up your account. This is because you need to register on the app, so you will have access to all the information.

Furthermore, the Moovit is Free To download, however, you need internet access to provide real-time information about public transport conditions. In addition, it is also possible to access available routes.

How to use the Moovit app?

It's very simple to use the app, which can make your daily life easier during public transport trips. This is because its interface is intuitive, making it more practical for all users.

Additionally, when opening the app, the user can enter their final destination and Moovit will provide a list of available route options.

This information includes the public transport line to be used, expected arrival times and the walking time required to reach the starting point or destination.

Is the Moovit app reliable?

Yes the Moovit app it's trustable. This is because it offers accurate and up-to-date information about public transport options in your city. Furthermore, more than a billion users use the platform.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that app users have a support team, with the aim of helping users with any problems or questions they may have. 

Source: Campinas City Hall

Did you like the content about the app? We hope so! If you want to know more about other apps similar to Moovit, just keep following the Moovit website ClickUseful this way.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel