Uber app: How the Leader in Shared Transport app works

Ensure safe and comfortable travel with the Uber app. Click here to learn more about this option!

O Uber app It is one of the main private urban transport, which facilitates the daily lives of many people. With it, you can get anywhere, simply and comfortably.

This way, you can make short, medium or even long trips, depending on your needs. It is one of the first transport apps to appear in Brazil.

Want to know how it works? So, keep following us here to find out everything you need about the application, with necessary tips and information. Let's go! 

Find out what the Uber app is

Uber is a car sharing application, which offers private transport services to its users. Thus, the platform allows people to request rides via their cell phone.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that it is one of the main apps available for systems Android and iOS. This way, users have this transport option, in addition to taxis or even buses.

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It is worth mentioning that Uber was founded in 2009, offering this service with comfort and safety. This is because you have the possibility of choosing the car you want, in addition to other alternatives.

O Uber app offers different types of services, which are available in luxury cars, with professional drivers. 

How does the Uber app work?

But after all, how does the application work? So, it's very simple to use it, you just need to have access to a cell phone with internet. In this way, the app works by connecting independent drivers with passengers who need a trip. 

As we already mentioned, this process is very simple, which starts by requesting a ride. When using the application, the user informs their location and desired destination when requesting the trip.

Additionally, you can also view information about the driver who accepted the ride, including their name, photo, car model and rating from previous passengers. This is because Uber values the safety of all its users.

In this process, the application shows the user the available transport service options, including:

  • Estimated price;
  • Waiting time;
  • Information about the driver who accepted the ride;
  • Between others.

Please note that to start using the app, you must register on the app platform. This way, you can activate your account and have a profile, whether as a passenger or driver.

The platform also offers other security and assistance options for your users. In other words, you also have access to the driver evaluation feature and the one received, as well as how to contact customer support in case of problems or questions. 

Source: Google – Metropolises

What services does Uber offer?

Uber offers different types of services to its users, in addition to travel requests. This is one of the main differences compared to InDriver app, another private transport option.

For you to stay up to date with this variety of options, we have brought below a list of all the services available to its users. Check out!

  • UberX: economical ride service in regular cars for up to 4 passengers.
  • UberPOOL: ride sharing service with other passengers;
  • UberBLACK: luxury car ride service, with professional drivers;
  • UberSELECT: ride service in selected luxury cars;
  • UberSUV: ride service in luxury SUVs, with professional drivers and capacity for up to 6 passengers.
  • UberLUX: ride in high-end luxury cars;
  • UberBLACK VIP: ride service in premium luxury cars and VIP service;
  • UberASSIST: drivers trained to serve PWD passengers;
  • UberWAV: ride service with wheelchair accessible vehicles.
  • UberEATS: food delivery service, where users can order meals from local restaurants and receive delivery at home.

However, before requesting this service, it is important to check if it is available in your region. This is because these resources can vary greatly from one state to another, depending on the structure of the location.

How is the payment for the application?

Payment is processed directly through the application, using credit card or other available payment methods, like PayPal.

However, the platform also offers the option to pay via money, which is widely used by users to use the PIX modality.

How to download the free app?

Now that you know how the Uber app, The next step is to know how to install it.

The process is very simple, to learn more, just click the button below and check it out step by step.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel