Android: How to recover an application that has been uninstalled

Your cell phone is Android and you need an application that has already been uninstalled? So find out here how to recover it by checking out the step by step!

Have you uninstalled an app by mistake or changed your cell phone and want to to recover all the your applications old? Don't worry, we will teach you the entire step by step process. how to recover quickly and easily, without any headaches. Pay attention to the information so you don't miss any details. Let's go!

Android: How to recover an application that has been uninstalled (Image: Disclosure)

Where are uninstalled apps?

As soon as an app is uninstalled it disappears from your cell phone, all files are removed, but some programs have records that store all the apps you have already downloaded, making recovery easier when necessary.

 One of the best known is the Google Drive It is Play Store, which are the official app store for Android, where all information about applications that have already been downloaded using the  your Google account, just look at your history or restore your backup from the cloud.

A Google Play Store it already has a feature that helps its users find applications that have already been downloaded to their account, it works as a kind of history where you can find all the applications that have been uninstalled.

It is a resource that helps those people who want to download an app again but don't remember the name, and is also a help for those who don't want to waste time searching in the Google app store.

Tutorial on how to recover an application that has been uninstalled

In the following tutorial we will teach you step by step how to use this function. Play Store to make your life easier and easily recover an app that was removed from your Android.

Step 1 

Enter the Play Store on your cell phone and on the main screen you will click on the sandwich image, close to the search option;

Step 2 

You have to click on the option “My Apps and games”;

Step 3   

Now just click on the tab “Libraries”;

Step 4   

Okay, now the Play Store it will present you with your list of applications downloaded by your Google user account, but which are not downloaded on your cell phone, all you have to do is scroll down the page and look for the app you want to use again;

After completing all the necessary steps, you will download all the apps you want to recover. It is worth mentioning that even with restoration, the apps do not bring back the information from your old applications, that is, they remain as if they were used for the first time.

If you change your cell phone, the information is all linked to your Google account, meaning your entire history of downloaded apps will remain available if you need it.

That's it, you can recover all the apps that were uninstalled from Android. We hope we helped you, now just enjoy your app and come back.


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