Bynd App: Rides to Work at Affordable Prices

Find out how the Bynd app works and see how to secure your ride to work. Visit to check it out!

Have you ever thought about saving money when it comes to paying for transport to get around? As Bynd app, You have the option of getting a ride to go on your trips, especially during your corporate trips.

The application is completely free, providing various functionalities and practical services to all its users.

Want to know how it works? So, keep following us here and see how this technological alternative can help you take advantage. Check out everything you need to know about this free app.

What is the Bynd app?

O Bynd app is a technological option for corporate carpooling, where employees of a specific company can share their trips.

This way, you can leave aside the bus options, to guarantee more safety and comfort when going to work or return home.

In this way, this application makes it possible corporate carpooling, where the passengers and drivers can share costsmainly gasoline. Therefore, it is very popular among corporate organizations.

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Furthermore, it is important to highlight that this application was created by Brazilian students, in 2016, who saw the need for its creation. Therefore, this app has helped thousands of workers to get around safely and comfortably.

Attention! O Bynd app it only works for the corporate environment, that is, people outside the standards cannot use it. 

How does the Bynd app work?

But after all, how does the Bynd Caronas app? So, the main objective of the app is to connect people from the corporate world. In other words, employees with similar paths can share the ride, including travel costs.

For it to work at its best, your company needs to register on the Bynd platform. In this process, the company's data must be included, as well as all its employees. This way, employees can access the app system.

Furthermore, it is important that the company carries out this registration, so that all its employees have Free access to the ride-sharing app. Therefore, the participation of the business organization in this process is essential.

Source: Google – Senhor Viagens

Remembering that the ride-sharing app is completely free, where you don't need to pay any fees to use it. What you need to do is just cover the costs of other passengers and the driver.

When the company guarantees registration on the platform, you can now download the application and start using it. Furthermore, it is worth noting that passengers also need to register their profile in the system.

How is the payment for the application?

Like other apps, payment is made directly to the car driver. In other words, this process is not carried out by the platform, the passenger himself needs to bear the costs when completing the journey.

There are different ways for you to make the payment, just have paper money. We recommend that it is changed, to avoid any setbacks when meeting your commitments.

Another way to guarantee payment is through Bank transfers, like the option PIX. This is one of the main ways in which you can transfer the stipulated amount along the way.

Bynd app partner companies

Several companies have already joined the application, which seeks to offer various facilities to their employees. This is because this app only offers benefits, both for business organizations and their employees.

Do you want to know who our partner companies are? To make you feel more secure and comfortable in purchasing the service from Bynd app, bring together the main organizations that are supporters of this technological option. Check it out below!  

  • Allele;
  • Bradesco;
  • Insurance Fund;
  • Tegma;
  • Schneider;
  • Among others.

Know that these are large companies on the market, who trust the application's work when looking for a safe service for their employees. It is worth noting that no benefit is taken away from employees when hiring services, such as transportation vouchers.

Therefore, you don't need to worry when your company joins the ride-sharing app service. This is just one way to make it easier for many employees to get around in their daily lives.

How to download and use the Bynd app?

O Bynd app offers infinite benefits to its users, ensuring more practicality for all its users.

Want to know how to download and request rides? So, click the button below and see a complete process, with all the steps of the procedure.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Raquel