99freelas or Workana, which is the best app to work online

99freelas or workana is a question many freelancers have, but both platforms have positive and negative points. Check out!

With the job market becoming increasingly difficult, people who choose to work online as a freelancer ask themselves: 99Freelas or Workana?

This is because both sites are the main platforms in this field and offer several opportunities and benefits for those who are starting to work independently on the web.

These two sites have the same operating dynamics, they attract clients and promote professionals, like a two-way street, however there are some specific differences that raise doubts for freelancers.

So, you want to start working but don't know which platform to join? Follow us in this article as we will explain everything you need to know to decide between the two.

How does 99freelas or Workana work?

These sites are workplaces for freelance work, in other words, these platforms are responsible for creating a kind of bridge between independent professionals and potential clients.

 The dynamics of how these sites work is very simple and happens as follows: 

  • The client announces his project
  • From that moment on, freelancers send their proposals to carry out the work

By continuing this process, you show your technical skills to win over the client, the deadline and the amount needed.

When the client receives the proposal, they have a range of people in their hands who can carry out this work and it is up to them to decide who will carry out the service.

Payment is also made via the platform as soon as the service is confirmed by the customer and is then released to the professional 

Realize that it is nothing out of this world to understand how these workplaces work, because they are practically intermediary agents when it comes to creating a relationship between client and professional.

What makes the 99freelas or Workana a service provider of this junction, so the sites charge a type of commission for the service.

It's really worth using Workplaces 

Now that you understand what workplaces are and how they work, it's good to talk a little about the productivity of this type of platform.

We start by remembering that these sites are tools for entering the job market, so it is worth analyzing what your real objective is when joining these platforms. 

As it is an initial tool, it is not very common to find people who are not really professionals, which is why prices generally remain below market levels.

In other words, you may not always find the best price or the most value. 

I say again that to know if it's worth it, you first need to define an objective for your work.

99freelas review 

This workplace has more than 40 thousand ready-made projects, it is one of the most famous sites for creating this professional-client bridge that we explained above.

In it, absolutely any person or company can share projects or offer services, 99freelas charges 10% of the value for mediation.


  • Provides structure for negotiating and support for both sides
  • Feedback and ratings help both professionals and contractors
  • Offers great diversity of areas and prior communication between those involved
  • 99freelas is a reputable platform so there is no risk of being left without payment for services

Negative points

  • Limitations for those who do not subscribe to the plans
  • Payment may take up to 30 days
  • The fee can be a detrimental point for freelancers

Workana Review 

As has already been said, the Workana does basically the same thing as 99freelas, the big difference is the level system to distinguish the “quality” of freelancers.

Every time you have good feedback and reviews, your level improves within the platform and you are able to connect with more customers.


  • Easy contact even at low level
  • Support to grow and improve skills
  • Minimum bid value 
  • Paid plans allow you to withdraw within 24 hours 

Negative points 

  • The tier system sometimes forces you to sell at a lower price
  • Commission up to 20% 

99freelas or Workana 

In the end we realized that both platforms have good and bad points, when making a decision what will be decisive are these elements:

  • Platform ease
  • Availability of tools
  • Free plan or not
  • Opportunities for your niche
  • Price average
  • Quantity and level of competition
  • Fees and payment terms

It is recommended that you carry out research and even talk to other freelancers about each platform, because it is not a bad choice to work on both. If this article helped you choose between 99freelas or Workana, share with a friend! Keep visiting the Our site.

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