9 apps that will make your daily life easier

Check out 9 apps here that will make your daily life easier and even more productive, as well as making your life easier!

Do you need to organize your daily tasks? There is a way that will help you plan better, making your day more efficient and productive. Everyone has their cell phone 24 hours a day, right? So nothing better than apps to help you organize your routine. Check it out here 9 apps that will make your daily life easier. 

9 aplicativos que vão facilitar o seu dia a dia

9 apps that will make your daily life easier

Many people still choose to write down everything they need to do that day in a notebook. But there are others who are more practical and prefer to use technology to their advantage. 

Nowadays there are several applications that are allies of busy people, which help them to plan better and make their day more productive. 

But there are not only apps for daily planning, but also those that will save you from traffic jams and tell you the weather forecast so you don't get caught by surprise. 

Throughout this content we have brought 9 apps that will make your daily life easier. Follow us to check it out! 


9. Trello

Trello It's a great tool for you to organize the tasks that need to be done that day. With it, you can create cards, lists and comments within a single page. 

Furthermore, it is possible to share all the frames created with other users. 

8. Google Keep

Need reminders to remind you what needs to be done during your day? So know that Google Keep is a great alternative! It aims to help organize people's daily tasks and reminders. 

It has different types of memos and various post-it styles. With this, you can put everything you need to do in a list, photos and audios. 

7. Uber 

Uber is a great ally for people who want to get to a place faster, without having to take long buses. Furthermore, it is a great option for people who have a car but want to save on gasoline. 

6. Ifood

Are you wanting to eat that delicious food but don't want to go to your favorite restaurant or buy it at the market? Then ask for iFood. You can find the restaurant you like most, order your favorite food and have it delivered without leaving the comfort of your home.

5. Wase

Wase will help you choose the best route to reach the destination of interest. He will choose the best routes, those without traffic jams and roadworks, which end up delaying everyone's lives. 

4. Wunderlist

For those who like to organize activities into lists, Wunderlist is a great option. The app allows the user to make lists of all their daily tasks and even insert notes for each one. 

You can also set the deadline for each task and the best time for the app to set off the alarm. This way you won't forget to complete what you had to do. 

3. Organize

Organizze is a great app for managing finances. In addition to converting currencies, the app allows you to create different categories (rent, financing, debts, among others) that suit your finances.

2. Evernote

Are you one of those people who prefer to save activities in daily notes? Then the Evernote will be your greatest ally. With it, you can catalog notes using tags. 

In addition, it is also possible to include screenshots, photos and audios in these notes.

1. Rappi

Rappi is a great ally for people who like practicality. The same is a delivery app, which provides people with a pharmacy, supermarket and restaurants. 

In other words, if you need items or that delicious food, just ask for it on Rappi.

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