5 Best apps to simulate house wall color

With the application to simulate the color of your home's walls, you can discover the shades that best match your space. Find out here!

As application to simulate house wall color, you can discover the shades that best match your environment and please your personality and that of your family. That's right, the technology is incredible! Nowadays we can even test the environment in our home and plan a change of look, before going out and buying any paint.

There are some good applications for this purpose that can be downloaded from your cell phone's official stores, but here we will present the 5 best based on the most downloaded or rated by users.

With them you can simulate paintings, whether on yours or on other walls in different rooms. Furthermore, you can save and test more and more colors until you find your favorite. 

Are you curious? So stay with us and learn much more about the subject.

After all, what is the best application that simulates the color of the wall in the house?

Application to simulate the color of the house's walls


In addition to being a large store in the house paint segment and other areas, Suvinil has its own application that has countless colors and options for you to select.

Within the app you simulate a wall where you can add the paint colors you want to buy for your home. This way you save a lot of time and can get an idea of how the product will look in your environment. 

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But beyond that, the best thing is the quality that Suvinil offers to its customers. Within the app you can have the same experience as applying paint to a wall.

Access the app store right now and download the app on your Android, but also in your iOS.

Try the Suvinil app and see what the room you want to give new color will look like.

ColorSnap Visualizer

This application is very similar to the Suvinil app. However, it offers its own mix of colors that customers can create within it.

Furthermore, you can save the colors and combinations that you like most in the favorites tab and quickly access them. Another quite incredible function is that you can share the painted walls.

This way you can show your family the color options you liked most. No error and no wasted time. Try the paints and combinations on the walls and buy the one that suits you best.

Access now on your Android or iOS and download the ColorSnap Visualizer app! The app will take up around 97 mb of your cell phone.

Paint Tester

Reviews about Paint Tester are very positive and customers highly praise the simplicity of the app. This shows that it is a good application for simulating house wall color.

Compared to Suvinil and ColorSnap, Paint Tester is not very elaborate and does not have the same color options.

But in terms of usability, the application can go head to head with these two. According to users, you can take a photo of the wall you want and test the shades.

The company itself recommends some shades for you. So it's easy to find the colors that best match your home.

One positive point of the app compared to others is that it only takes up around 20 MB of your device. Much lighter than the previous ones. Access the Apple website to download the app.

Paint My Room

The function that Paint My Room performs is very similar to Paint Tester. You point your camera at the room you want, at that very moment, the application takes the photo and begins the process that increases reality.

Then, after that, you will have access to a color palette completely personalized according to your tastes to paint the room you have chosen. That's quite a different function. In addition to making the user experience even more special, as it is your own home. Furthermore, he can see the result immediately. This is definitely a good advantage.

Anyway, you can download it right now on your Android or iOS, just access the link ready!

Use and abuse colors with the application to simulate the color of the house’s walls. Source: Pixabay,

Detect Color

As the name suggests, the app works as a detector and a application to simulate house wall color. When you point the camera at a wall, the app identifies the RGB that is on the wall.

This opens up a range of incredible options that you can do with the application. The first of these is identifying colors. In other words, if somewhere you see a shade that you like, just use the app.

Then it will give you the color code and you just need to apply it to your home using the same application. Be in Android or in iOS. This is definitely a good app to simulate the color of the house's walls.

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