5 best mobile apps for extra income in 2021

Discover some of the available cell phone applications that will emerge as an opportunity for you to generate extra income in 2022.

Did you know that you can use mobile apps to earn extra income in 2022? With the advancement of technology this has become possible and quite common nowadays.

Currently, many people have had to start working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, as a result, the apps that promise to help generate extra money went viral all over the world. As a result, all kinds of opportunities arose for many people.

Among these opportunities, applications appeared that promise to give you extra income in various ways, such as, for example, editing photos or making videos. Here in our post, we researched and made a list of the main apps where you have the possibility of earning a little money at the end of the month.

Follow our content until the end and don't miss any details!

How can mobile apps help with extra income?

There are different types of cell phone applications and each of them has different functionalities and focuses. However, they may offer conditions that offer you extra income at the end of the month.

An example are the applications that connect freelance professionals available on the market with different skills, willing to perform the most varied functions such as writing a text like this.

Another option is to start using apps that have special discounts and that help you save money until the end of the month. Anyway, the possibilities are many and you just need to find what suits you best.

See this list that we have separated with the best cell phone apps to earn a extra income in 2022.

5 best mobile apps that generate extra income

This list contains the applications that are most used and profitable across the market for those who want extra income at the end of the month. 

Therefore, it is a list focused on 2022, but it could very well be used for longer. This is because these are the types of applications that appear on the market all the time. 

Anyway, let's get to the point, which is knowing the functionality of each of them and how they can help with your monthly income.


99Freelas is a great mobile app for those who want extra income. In it, if you are looking for a freelance opportunity in a home office, you have several options, in different areas, such as:

  • Administration
  • Legal
  • Education
  • Marketing
  • Customer service
  • Administrative support
  • And much more.

At 99Freelas, the great demand is for the digital marketing area, namely Content Marketing and Web Design, Video Editing and SEO support.

Download the 99Freelas app on your Android and start working today. Don't forget to create a good profile and improve your portfolio!


This application is mainly made for professionals specialized in different areas and who want to offer their work informally to people willing to pay for the services provided.

In this sense, we can say that this app is perfect for self-employed workers and freelancers who want to showcase their skills and earn money for work carried out on the platform.

So, that's basically what this app is for, to connect workers with employers who need people with specific skills. It is essential that every professional has a good portfolio.


This way you can guarantee a better result in attracting clients and thus you will get more jobs to profit from your skills. Download the application now on your Android or iOS

Yes! Méliuz can help you make money, however, it is different from other apps. Méliuz is an application that, in addition to giving you cashback, offers several discounts on different types of purchases.

So when you use these discounts and use the benefits of Méliuz, at the end of the month you will have a considerable discount on the purchases you made just for using the promotions that the app gave you.

This may be silly, but saving money is also a way to make money. Therefore, Meliuz comes with this proposal to help its users and provide them with extra income at the end of the month.

Download the Meliuz app on your Android or iOS and start saving!


The PiniOn app is really ideal for adventurous people who don't like staying at home at all. In this sense, when you register with PiniOn, you receive missions to complete and you will be paid for them.

These missions are like going to a certain place in the city and taking photographs, or even interviewing the owner of a certain establishment. Anyway, each mission like this has a value and you choose which one to carry out.

At the end of the day, the platform pays you for completed missions and gives you new missions to do. The app is available both on iOS as in Android.


Eduzz is a platform for those who work with affiliates and is also available as a mobile app.

On the platform you can find different products, whether physical or digital, and you can sell them on your social networks, among friends. 

Through the Eduzz app you can track your sales reports, service and product deliveries, share your sales links, track your earnings and much more.

Download the Eduzz app on your Android or iOS.

How to make money online with mobile apps

These are just 5 of the best cell phone apps for you to start earning extra income in 2022. With any of them you can start working and pay off that debt, or plan a dream trip, start making that emergency savings or, Who knows, start a new successful career.

Alongside these applications, we have several others such as TikTok, Kwai, social networks, games that make money and many other opportunities. A simple search is enough for you to find something that interests you and that you can do to start an extra income.

The main tip here is, if you want to start making money on the internet with cell phone applications, start by downloading them and studying the strategies of each one. Remember that if you are going to provide a service, good customer service is essential.

Did you like it? On our website you can also check out other tips, such as mobile apps that help you manage your finances.

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